Netball Australia Knee Program

August 22, 2018

Did you know Scott is a nationally endorsed provider of Netball Australia’s KNEE program?!

What is the KNEE program?

The KNEE program is a 10-12 minute warm up that prevents knee injuries, enhances performance and extends play.

The KNEE program provides:

· An evidence based warm up specifically tailored for netball players
· The potential to reduce the rate of lower limb injuries, particularly to the ACL that accounts for over 30% of netball injuries each year
· The potential to provide a solid foundation to develop skills where technique is maximised
· The potential to improve individual player performance by improving strength, landing technique, change of direction and deceleration
· The potential to provide the team with a competitive advantage. If there are less injuries, more players will be available for selection, leading to better overall team performance

So, for more information on the KNEE program and all netball related injuries, why not make an appointment to see our physiotherapists.
